Friday, 13 June 2008
Frying pan fire
Railway Eye readers will be aware of the recent volatile share price of former parent RBS.
It appears that all may not be well Down Under either.
You can read the SMH Business section here.
We Char Railway Company
He and his associates were seen in the vicinity of the Cumbrian Coast line on 26th May 2008.
After they had passed through the area a number of very serious fires were discovered on, or about, the railway.
One of these has caused severe damage to the historic Eskmeals Viaduct.
Witness David Moore, Fire Brigade watch manager at Seascale said "The 200 metre long viaduct was burning in three places, including right in the middle. Approximately 100 square metres of timber sleepers were burned.”
Repairing the damage is likely to cost several hundreds of thousands of pounds.
If you see this man please inform Network Rail, who are very keen not to talk to him, if possible, ever again.
Pith and wind

Rail editor Nigel Harris was quick off the mark and managed to secure the first interview with Mike Alexander the new Chairman of the Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC).
It was not a happy meeting, judging from the resulting Comment piece in the last issue of Rail.
The article ended with Harris demanding that Alexander and ATOC "Shape up" and push for further electrification (as Adrian Shooter, Alexander's predecessor at ATOC, had done).
The dust still hasn't settled on their row.
A copy of Alexander's follow up letter to Harris has reached the Fact Compiler, it is printed below:
Many thanks for the opportunity to “shape up” regarding the debate on electrification as outlined in your editorial of 4th June.
Turning to electrification. A hot topic in the industry and with yourselves. I am not against it. In fact, I would be a supporter if/when we identify that this is the best economic and technical solution to provide a better railway for passengers. This may be an easy case to make – for certain lines and capacity constraints. So let’s get on with it. Customers are waiting. In the pursuit of this solution ATOC, together with the extremely capable
The Fact Compiler cautions that electrification is a great totem to the railway industry. Alexander will need to manage the issue well, otherwise he may find that a reputation for "vacillation and wind-baggery" is more easily won.
RBS flogs Rosco
BBC story here
UPDATE: Sources indicate that RBS is very pleased with the price paid by Babcock and Brown.
Apparently the business was packaged in three lots: MOLA fleets (ex BR stock), New Trains and Angel's unregulated European business.
The strong price would indicate that B&B and it's advisors are pretty confident that the Competition Commission enquiry into the ROSCOs will not impact dramatically on MOLA lease rates going forward.
The Fact Compiler is not surprised, with a National Rolling Stock Shortage where else would the railway get alternative vehicles to meet current demand. Suggestions that DafT have asked the MOD to release the "Strategic Reserve" have been denied.