Legendary BR PR supremo, Alan Marshall, has joined the ranks of Railway Eye readers.
Alan, writing in the latest Railnews, uses a quote from our very own Brochet to sign of his comment piece on the proposed redevelopment of Birmingham New Street Station.
The Fact Compiler is happy to confirm that there are currently no plans to add 'Telegrammed by The Vice Marshall' to the growing list of Railway Eye bylines.
For some reason blogger isn't showing responses to posts - if there are any technically savy readers of Railway Eye able to offer assistance it would be appreciated...
Industry pundit Christian Wolmar has offered his thoughts on the appointment of Geoff Hoon as Secretary of State for Transport.
Wolmar asks: "I wonder how many people in the street would be able to name him from a photograph - probably fewer than 5 per cent".
He then goes on deliver the following damning judgement:
"I think it was the way in which he seemed to send troops into Iraq to be killed when he was defence secretary that got my goat the most. He seemed - or conveyed the impression - not really to care or be aware of the import of what he was doing. Certainly he was not going to take responsibility for it."
As a service to the industry and to help with recognition of Gende Homo in the street The Fact Compiler offers the following clip from You Tube:
The man has no shame - he should get on well with Dr "Death" Mitchell at the DfT.
It's now over 38 hours since Tom Harris was relegated to the back benches.
He ceased to function as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport on Friday and according to his blog the Red Box was collected by courier this morning.
Meanwhile the DafT website continues to show the following:
So we'll have less sanctimonious crap from the Department about the railway failing to provide customers with up to date information please.