Friday, 7 November 2008

Lords a lying

Telegrammed by our man at 222 Marylebone Road
Do they take us for fools?

Lord Adonis (Minister of State, Department for Transport; Labour) Hansard source
"The Department for Transport does not determine the amount of rolling stock for First Great Western (FGW) or any other train operator".

This from the South Central ITT published just a few days later:
"From December 2011 until September 2013 the South Central Franchisee will need to make available to First Capital Connect ("FCC") 3 x 4 car dual-voltage 377 units per weekday".

How does one go about impeaching a minister?


Telegrammed by our man at 222 Marylebone Road
As is well rehearsed by rail ministers DafT does not get involved in the detail of running franchises.

Here's a non-example from the South Central Franchise Invitation to Tender.

"Bidders’ attention is drawn to the problem of delays between train arrival and door opening at Victoria associated with problems with the GPS signal at that station. This often means that whilst a train is at a stand passengers have to wait 20-30 seconds before the doors are opened.

"Proposals are sought as to how this issue can be remedied with a view to a solution early within the life of the franchise.

Not a sparrow falls