Wishing all readers a blessed and festive Christmas.
From the Railway Eye team: Barry Spotter, Brochet, Eboracum (50a), Jack Ketch, King Coal, Our International Correspondent, Our man at 222 Marylebone Road, The Archer, The Fact Compiler, The General Manager, The Independent Expert, The late Sir William Pollitt, The Major, The Master, The Raver and The RSM
This just in from Gallery News, the parliamentary news service...
"The UK economy contracted between July and September faster than had previously been thought, according to the Office for National Statistics.
"ONS said it had contracted by 0.6% in the quarter - its previous estimate had been a contraction of 0.5%. The previous quarter was left unrevised at a figure of zero growth.
"The service sector was among those hit in the third quarter, shrinking by 0.5%, having grown by 0.2% in the previous three months.
"In the manufacturing sector, output shrank by 1.4% in the period."