Even the Mail is frothing at the mouth over HS2.
This from highly respected transport correspondent Ray Massay...
Plans for a new high speed train service between London and the North - with double-decker trains travelling at 225 mph - are set to get a boost from the Government and the Conservative opposition.
Double decker trains! Where did those suddenly emerge from?
Transport Minister Lord Adonis will voice Government support for the idea of the new line to link the capital to the North of England and Scotland when he speaks tomorrow at a conference promoting the scheme.
Hold on... voice Government support... that's not exactly a ringing endorsement.
Sir David, a former Permanent Secretary at the Department for Transport, said that the line would allow tens of thousands of homes for long-distance commuters to be built between London and Birmingham.
Ah ha! Hypothocation floated as a means of funding the project as the Government won't.
On the vexed issue of financing the scheme in the depths of a recession, Sir David said: 'It’s a huge challenge but I believe it will eventually happen because the railway is full.'
Still no Government commitment to fund and not even an indication when the line may open, but there's no rush because it will "eventually happen".
No commitments, no numbers, not even a firm route!
So it's pure spin!
Ray - shame on you for swallowing this tosh.
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Economic and efficient?
According to best practice there should be no more than five layers of management separating the chief executive from those on the ground actually doing-the-do.
Such is not the case at Network Rail.
CEO Iain Coucher was shocked to discover that in parts of the business a whopping twelve tiers of management separate him from his front line staff.
Fortunately a re-organisation is not far away...
UPDATE: This rib tickler from The Archer...
Once CEO Iain Coucher has recovered from his shock and implemented his re-organisation, how many more tears will there be?
Such is not the case at Network Rail.
CEO Iain Coucher was shocked to discover that in parts of the business a whopping twelve tiers of management separate him from his front line staff.
Fortunately a re-organisation is not far away...
UPDATE: This rib tickler from The Archer...
Once CEO Iain Coucher has recovered from his shock and implemented his re-organisation, how many more tears will there be?
"PPP a success" says Nobody
This from Supply Management...
London Underground (LU) and supplier Tube Lines (TL) have only a few months to resolve a major dispute over maintenance costs.
The organisations have a difference of more than £3 billion in their calculations of the cost of upgrading the Jubilee, Piccadilly and Northern Lines by 2017.
No shit Sherlock
London Underground (LU) and supplier Tube Lines (TL) have only a few months to resolve a major dispute over maintenance costs.
The organisations have a difference of more than £3 billion in their calculations of the cost of upgrading the Jubilee, Piccadilly and Northern Lines by 2017.
No shit Sherlock
Angel left all alone
Beacon Rail Leasing Limited has acquired 18 EMD Class 66 locomotives from HSBC Rail.
The locos are based in Norway, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands.
The new additions will bring the Beacon Rail locomotive portfolio to 51.
So that just leaves Angel with interests in Europe.
The locos are based in Norway, Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands.
The new additions will bring the Beacon Rail locomotive portfolio to 51.
So that just leaves Angel with interests in Europe.
Tom Harris tables EDM in support of Gricers
This from Tom Harris...
That this House welcomes the presence and activities of railway enthusiasts on the UK rail network; acknowledges the potential positive contribution to station security made by railway enthusiasts who are often seen as providing extra “eyes and ears” for the security services through their activities; is concerned at recent reports that some rail enthusiasts have been prevented from carrying out lawful activities – including photography – by station and train staff; and calls on Network Rail and the train operating companies to respect the legal rights of members of the public to pursue their interests at stations.
Good effort!