I thought you might enjoy these two shots taken at Salford Crescent yesterday.
The first shows luxuriant growth bursting through the security fence, adjacent to Windsor Link Relay Room, the roof of which can be made out on the left.
In the second view from the north end of the platform, a Rochdale-bound Pacer attempts to hide behind a nice collection of purple-flowered weeds.
On balance Eye considers anything that hides a Pacer from the view of intending passengers a blessing in disguise.
The Tories apparent recent conversion to the benefits of High Speed Rail is of course to be welcomed.
But beware.
Many members of what looks to be the next party of government retain a deep antipathy towards the railways.
This from the Welsh national anthem mangling Vulcan...
We know that running train services is a very expensive way of travel for taxpayers to support, and we know that fourteen times as many journeys are made by car as by train. Rail has a small market share despite all the subsidy and encouragement.
And on it continues for several paragraphs showing that the railway still has a job to do to win over some of its more implacable opponents.
But what's this?
At the end of Redwood's pro-car rant is the kernel of a sensible suggestion!
One of the greenest policies we could pursue would be a big programme of increasing the number of bridges over railways to allow the easier passage of cars and buses around our towns and cities. It would also be safer if we replaced more of the level crossings with bridges or underpasses. It could also lead to more use of the train for the commuter and longer distance journies if more of us could get to the station and park easily. That would be a greener way to spend any money we have on railways, rather than on electrification.
Leaving aside Spocks' knee-jerk opposition to electrification there are good safety and operational reasons for supporting the removal of level crossings.
Especially if such a programme were funded out of the Highways Agency budget, whose customers - as Deadwood acknowledges - have most to gain.
Perhaps an idea that Network Rail and RSSB should explore further with our alien new best friend?
UPDATE: This from Mr Bridges...
Build the Bridges to make railways green?
Perhaps Mr Redwood should stand in Sheffield next election!
Bob Crow, the militant leader of the RMT rail union whose pay and benefits rose by 8% to £91,646 in 2008... said: “I don’t really know if my pay rise was inflation busting”.
The Eye is unsure which will be a bigger surprise to RMT's hard pressed members.
The size of Bob's pay rise or his apparent ignorance of the inflation rate.