This just in from the soi disant 'veteran' observer...Just thought Eye readers might like to know that as at 11:00 today, and despite the bad weather, 86% of all timetabled services are running, and more than half of these are running normally.The railway - getting you there and back safely!UPDATE: This from AMonkster via Twitter...More likely that 86% of trains bid to run as of 10pm last night were running! Not many TOCs still advertising full SX t/t.
Telegrammed by the RaverSo Sir David Rowlands has become Chairman of Angel Trains.
What a busy life he leads!How he packs it all in we will never know.According to Angel's puff piece Rowlands is also: ...chairman of London Gatwick Airport... a member of the Royal Automobile Club Foundation’s public policy committee... a governor of Anglia Ruskin University and deputy chairman of The Lifeboat Fund, a public service charity.Not forgetting of course his current position as non-executive Chairman of High Speed 2 - a role he relinquishes in February this year.Strange that a man who tried to squeeze the rail industry when he was Permanent Secretary at the Department now seems to be profiting from it in all sorts of ways.Nice work if you can get it.
UPDATE: This from Sir Humphrey Beeching...
The Raver appears to have omitted Sir David's great gift for PR and media relations.
Why only last September he managed to infuriate RAIL by issuing a statement denying a story that his own staff had briefed out to the media.
Angel's loss will surely be HS2's gain!