Friday, 11 June 2010
Railway Garden Competition - Waterloo International
Eureka turns into fools gold
Eye salutes Sir Humphrey Beeching!
Who, way back in January, had this to say about the proposed East Coast Eureka (SLC2) timetable:
People are getting a little over excited about this election winning pork-barrel timetable.
If everyone just calmed down they would realise it will all be forgotten after the 6th May...
And lo, so it came to pass.
Who, way back in January, had this to say about the proposed East Coast Eureka (SLC2) timetable:
People are getting a little over excited about this election winning pork-barrel timetable.
If everyone just calmed down they would realise it will all be forgotten after the 6th May...
And lo, so it came to pass.