Thursday, 19 August 2010

Railway Magazine changes ownership?

Eye understands that Mortons Media Group may be adding Railway Magazine to its growing portfolio of titles.

Regular Eye readers will recall that the Lincolnshire based specialist magazine publisher also snapped up Rail Express earlier this year.

The 2009 ABC audited figures showed Railway Magazine with a healthy circulation of 34,715 copies.

Health and safety spared the Age of Austerity

Hot on the heels of the Coucher Memorial Fencing which has been sprouting up around the network comes the latest in safety gold plating.

Welcome to the world of Stanchion Spikes!

Eyes correspondent Captain Biggles writes...

Has there been a sudden spate of stanchion climbers?

After all, the ac electrification seems to have managed without this 'protective' nonsense for 50 years.

Note that the stanchion in the background has not been treated...

Anyone any idea how much these new Elf'n'Safety features cost?

ATOC plans secret station opening - Shocker

Is ATOC secretly planning to open a new station?

Or does this page reflect its view of passengers?

Eye thinks we should be told?

UPDATE: This from Our Man in the Dark...

Since it's a Z code station it must be one of ours.

Are ATOC planning some kind of Underground takeover?

We should be told!

Railway Garden Competition - Wolverhampton

This from D0260...

Notice that this particular Railway Garden is safely under the watching eye of a CCTV camera.

Trolley Travels - Exciting new feature

Time for an exciting new feature focusing on the travels of platform trolleys!

This from Alex (13 years)...

Presumably this Yorkist trolley had hitched a lift on a passing Arriva Voyager (if it could have found any space!).

Anyhow, it looks happy enough with Wakefield Prison in the background.