This from the soi disant 'veteran' observer...
Eight days on a mountain versus a lifetime on the streetsAs you read this an intrepid group of 25 railway men and women are beginning their ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro to raise money for the Railway Children.
All those participating have paid for the cost of this trip themselves so any sponsorship money they raise will go direct to the charity.
The climbers are:
Tim Brawn, Robbie Burns, Dan Cole, Dyan Crowther, Samantha Davis, Jerry England, David and Jo Franks, Steve Frost, Peter Hobbs, Michael Holden, Sarah Kendall, Arthur Leithley, Arith Liyanage, Sean Maserson, Richard Molloy, Darran Moss, Mac Motraghi, Adam O'Connor, Alan Ross, Anthony Smith, David Taylor, James Vickers, Paul Watson and Mark Wilson.
Many of you will already have sponsored the individuals undertaking this arduous hike.
If you haven't made a donation yet and would still like to there is a Virgin Money Giving page where you can sponsor all the participants as a group.
Thank you.
Please consider doing so - it's for a very worthwhile cause. Donations can be made here.