Monday, 3 January 2011

Lookalike - Mystic Crowley?

Has Mystic Wolmar embraced the Dark Side?

Possibly - judging by a picture used to illustrate an article by the World's Greatest Living Transport Correspondent in yesterday's Mail on Sunday 'Live' magazine.

Eye readers are invited to read the runes and draw their own conclusions.

UPDATE: This from Captain Deltic...

Surely this is much better lookalike?

Happy New Year!

Railway Gongs 2011

Eye congratulates the following...

Ian Arthur BROWN
Managing Director London Rail, Transport for London.
For services to the Rail Industry.

Michael Clifford HART
Director Ffestinog Railway Company and Chairman, Welsh Highland Railway Construction Ltd.
For services to the Rail Industry.

Helen, Mrs ASHBY
Curator, National Railway Museum, York.
For services to Heritage.

Vernon Ian BARKER
Managing Director, First TransPennine Express.
For services to the Rail Industry.

Ann, Mrs BATES
Deputy Chair and Rail Group Chair, Disabled Person's Transport Advisory Committee.
For services to Disabled People.

Sonia, Mrs ROLT, FRS
For services to Industrial Archaeology and to Heritage.

UPDATE: This from Chris Bolt CB...

Very kind of you to mention my CB - but you are a year out of date!

My honour (and some of the others in the list) was in the 2010 list.

And I am still PPP Arbiter!

UPDATE: This from a Mr Justin McAree...

Umm.... your blog post of 3rd Jan 2011 appears to list recipients of honours from last year. Unless I'm missing something.

Oh, and Richard Burningham only got an MBE!

UPDATE: This from the Ffoil...

One possible addition to your list is an OBE to Sonia Rolt for services to Industrial Archaeology and Heritage.

After all, without the Talyllyn where would the preservation movement be ?

The Fact Compiler offers his most profuse apologies. Post amended and a promise made to lay off the last of the Christmas sherry!