Tuesday, 5 April 2011

DBS goes back to the future at Bescot

This from Matt...

I thought this picture might be of interest to Eye readers, taken today at Bescot 'Traction Maintenance Depot'.

The old EWS signs have been taken down to reveal the following time warp brand, dating from 1994.

Presumably new DBS signs are on order or perhaps DBS will save the effort and just split their their business back into 3 trainload companies?

The Fact Compiler observes: And hopefully no longer run from Paris by Army Group West, obviously.

The wordz what NR punktuated

This from a harrumphing Captain Deltic...

Is it too much to expect the correct use of hyphens and apostrophes by Network Rail press officers in this day and age?


This is not a pedantic moan (Oh yeah? Ed), but the missing punctuation makes the headline ambiguous

Is it the grave of a former-pauper - in which case, where is the apostrophe? (eg which ex British Rail manager turned privatisation fat cat has died and can he really be buried on a platform at Manchester Vic?).

Or is a former pauper's-grave which has become part of a station.

Or is it, even, a former paupers'-grave and was there a mass burial on the site of the station after some massacre of the lower classes?

Eye thinks we should be told!

UPDATE: This from NR's Internet Rapid Rebuttal Unit...

I have altered the headline on the website now - it should be less ambiguous.

Nothing wrong with being a pedant. A 'pedant' is what someone who is wrong calls someone who is right.

PS Who led the pedants' uprising?
Answer: Which Tyler

Will NR's new board live up to the fine words?

An interesting challenge for Keith Ludeman, currently Chief Executive of Go-Ahead.

Regular Eye readers will recollect that Network Rail announced in February that the Permataned one would be joining Network Rail's board, as a non-Exec, upon his retirement from Go-Ahead in July of this year.

Welcoming the appointment NR Chairman Rick Haythornthwaite said:

"Keith Ludeman brings to Network Rail decades of experience of leadership in Britain’s transport industry. The addition of him to the board will provide first-hand, passenger-focused expertise which will help Network Rail on its journey to becoming ever more responsive to its customers and passengers."

Meanwhile, on today's railway, Go-Ahead franchise London Midland has announced its intention to slash ticket office opening-hours at 87 stations, generating predictable fury from the aforementioned 'customers and passengers'.

Indeed Anthony Smith of Passenger Focus issued the following words on the proposed closures today:

Times are difficult and it’s important that train companies make best use of their resources. London Midland has done a good job in talking to its passengers about its plans but the message back is clear. Passengers were almost unanimous in their request for staff at the station, raising concerns about ticket machines and the need for staff for advice and assistance on ticket sales.

We fear these plans will lead to passengers paying more for their tickets than they should. Ticket vending machines are important, but while they don’t offer all ticket types or provide advice to ensure passengers get the cheapest fares, there will be a need for station staff.

Finally, passengers want staff on hand for help on the station and for security reasons. For all these reasons we’re calling on London Midland to address the concerns passengers raised.

Eye looks forward to seeing just how 'passenger focused and responsive to customers' NR's new board member can be!

Bridge over the river, Dai?

Good news for those who like to colour in their Quails, having traversed rare sections of the railway's infrastructure.

Next Sunday will see a unique opportunity to walk across the Knucklas viaduct on the Heart of Wales Line.

Arranged by local user group HoWLTA, in conjunction with Network Rail, tickets cost just £10 and include a vintage bus ride from Knucklas station to site and a numbered souvenir ticket.

More details on how to apply for tickets here.

NR's new Wales Route gets to grip with capacity

Exciting news for fans of the Great Western!

Clearly Network Rail's decision to create a devolved Route for Wales has delighted the local Pway Teams.

Judging by this image from Google Maps they are already setting about restoring their local railway to Brunel's original vision!

Train manufacturers will no doubt be gearing up to take advantage of this more generous loading gauge...