Eye salutes the crew of 1V50 (or possibly 1Z50).
Clear, concise and relevant information displayed.And the technology did not get the better.Good effort!
This from the Office of Rail Regulation...Grayrigg statementPlease find below Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) statement issued following today’s first hearing of the ORR prosecution against Network Rail for breaches of health and safety law which caused a train to derail near Grayrigg in February 2007, killing one person and injuring 86 people.A spokesperson for the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) said:"The Office of Rail Regulation's prosecution of Network Rail for breaches of health and safety law which caused a train to derail near Grayrigg in February 2007, killing one person and injuring 86 people, had its first hearing today at Lancaster Magistrates’ Court."Network Rail pleaded guilty to one charge under section 3(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974. The court has committed Network Rail to Preston Crown Court where a sentencing hearing will take place on 2 April 2012."Our thoughts are with the family of Mrs Margaret Masson and all those involved in this incident. ORR will do everything it can to ensure that the prosecution proceeds as quickly as possible."For further information on the prosecution, please see the press notice issued at the start of the criminal proceedings against Network Rail on 13 January 2012.ENDS
The normally camera shy Captain Deltic was out and about yesterday contributing to a BBC 4 programme."Off to record a BBC programme about HST this morning. Don't usually do TV but make an exception for getting HST creators their due credit." he tweeted.So let Eye add its own birthday congratulations to the High Speed Train, the prototype of which rolled off the production line in June 1972.
A mere 22 months, and £800,000, after it was authorised by the British Railways Board. HST - 40 years and still going strong! Where as IEP - over £70 million* and just plain wrong!
*Based on DfT consultants fees, plus bidding costs.
There's a nice time-lapse video over on Southern's website showing the refurbishment of a class 377 vehicle in 3 minutes.
Sadly it isn't embeddable so no chance of it going viral (railway PRs please note for future reference!).No matter.Eye's man in Croydon with the green ink writes:
"It's a really good vfm project (in-house, no long trips extending the non-availability of the unit etc etc)."Good effort.