Pointless sign - Gatwick Airport

This from Globetrotter...

Or misleading, at least. 

Gatwick Airport has 12-car platforms, so some people could be disappointed.

Historic signs - King's Cross coal offices

This from Eye's man on York Road...

After decades buried in undergrowth and shut off from public view, the Great Northern Railway's historic curved coal offices at King's Cross emerged from behind the hoardings this week – clearly viewable from a new public space in front of the redeveloped University of the Arts by the Regent's Canal.

Sharp eyed fans of railwayana will spot a BR Eastern Region enamel reading "Drive Slowly" on the wall.
As most of the others round here were knocked off years ago let's hope this solitary survivor doesn't get nicked!

Pointless signs - Reading West

This from Citizen Smith...

'Not to scale'?

With only two stations shown how could it be otherwise?

UPDATE: This from Pedantic of Purley...

Well of course it is not to scale.  It is a diagram.  And diagrams are, er, diagrammatic. It is not a map even though it is wrongly referred to as a map. And the fact that no scale is specified means it is unlikely to be to scale.

To be accurate First Great Western should have added something like “This diagram is not an isometric representation of the portion of the network illustrated” or “Diagram for illustrative purposes only” but a more sensible thing would be to add nothing as it is perfectly obvious.

I can send you a scaled map of the Waterloo and City line if you want to see a scaled map with only two stations. (No thank you. That's quite enough scaled maps. Ed)