Monday, 4 February 2013

Corridor connection leads to brief encounter

This from Gwynneth Dunchairing...

Who should the Secretary of State's team meet in the corridor outside the TSC this evening, but the SoS for International Development!

Justine Greening (for it was she) asked how it had gone?

An evidently busy McLoughlin appeared unable to chat, leaving a couple of nervous officials to explain the TSC's exhaustive interest in InterCity West Coast and franchising policy.

"Oh. Well I hope it went OK" she said, flushed bright red and ran off frowning intently at her BlackBerry.

No doubt a text from the PM? Ah, the benefits of promotion.

Network Rail shelves plans to acquire DBS sites

This from Network Rail...

We received a number of responses to our consultation on the proposal for Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (“Network Rail”) to acquire a number of freight sites from DB Schenker Rail (UK) Limited (“DBSR”).

Having carefully considered and taken account of the responses we have decided not to proceed with the proposal as consulted on. Nevertheless, we remain keen to continue to explore ways in which it may be possible to achieve the overarching objectives identified in our consultation document. We recognise the desirability of wider industry support should there be major structural changes required to achieve this.

A real shame! 

UPDATE: This from A Man in Chains...
A couple of points:

1) Weren't the yards "gifted" to EWS in the first place?

2) At least one "yard" NR thought it was buying is already a housing estate (Barrow)

3) The deal proposed giving DBS protection for the best/longest sidings for its own exclusive use, "ransom" strips of land or track that other freight users would still have had to pay to use/cross and other restrictive clauses weighted in favour of DBS.

A purchase of something already given away should at least have come without any covenants in favour of the previous owner…

Beardie Bubble Bonus on West Coast

Good news for passengers on Virgin's extended West Coast franchise.

To celebrate, ahem, recent events the victorious TOC is providing free champagne all week in first class!

Just the thing to soothe fevered brows as the infrastructure falls apart yet again. (shurely "as you speed on your way"? Ed)