Friday, 2 August 2013

The Fact Compiler is on his hols...

So posting will be, at best, intermittent.

No doubt a source of relief to many.

Leathley hits the DECC!

This from PR Week...

Virgin Trains' Arthur Leathley to fill long-vacant DECC comms role

The Department of Environment and Climate (DECC) change has hired Virgin Trains' Arthur Leathley as its director of comms.

Leathley will start in the coming weeks, having been comms director at Virgin Trains, where he has spent the past nine years heading the company’s media, political and internal comms operation, as well as customer relations.

A hard act to follow and for Virgin to replace!

All the best in your new role Arthur.

Railway Garden Competition - Weybridge

This from Buisson Grass...

Years of (no) effort have obviously gone into these.