Wattage Watch - Peterbrorough

This from Oliver Cromwell...

All lights on Platform 3 at Peterborough station seem to be left on 24 hours a day. 

The sun was so bright at 9' this morning that it's hard to tell, but even the one above this sign was on!

Pointless signs - Hungerford Bridge

This from Globetrotter...

Does 'The Rail Authority' know the difference between 6 and 7?

Not to mention the abominable 0207, which is NOT a London telephone code!

(Unusually, Eye agrees with Globetrotter. The correct exchange is of course WATerloo. Ed)

Lowrie to Keolis as CFO

This from Keolis...

Keolis UK appoints first chief financial officer

UK public transport operator, Keolis UK, has appointed David Lowrie as its new Chief Financial Officer, to support its growing presence in the UK.

David moves into this newly created role with over 20 years of commercial experience including several high profile posts within the UK rail sector.

From an early career at KPMG and Powell Duffryn, he joined Prism Rail PLC as Group Financial Controller. He has since held a number of director level positions including Group Finance and Commercial Development Director at the Grand Central Group.

Very good, carry on.

Reading Upgrade - Ooops moment?

This from Citizen Smith...

...was this part of the grand plan or was it supposed to be in the right place first time round?

New track in place of old centre road for soon to be moved platform 7. I think.

Yellow mushroom was plonked in splendid isolation at Easter.