This from Pedantic of Purley...
Southern is to be commended for its helpful and up-to-date signage at the bottom of the the steps of the overbridge.
Unfortunately the clear helpful signage is contradicted by another sign halfway up the steps.
Not so much pointless as incorrect and potentially dangerous causing people to stop suddenly on the staircase or, worse still, suddenly turn around.
This from D9015...
The address for Kelvinhall Subway station, in Dalcross Passage, built into the ground floor of a tenement building and at the rear for good measure, doesn't stop the formulaic specification of these silver soldiers defending the cash-desk against a speeding vehicle attack.
To achieve this would require some impressive driving!
From one end the approach is along an alleyway barely 8 feet wide.
From the main street it's through an archway and squeezing past the bike racks, with a 90 degree turn at the last minute.
Still, one must have one's bollards.