"Where there is success, it is your success; if there is a problem it is mine."
Perhaps a leit motif that might usefully be adopted by other senior managers in our industry!
A couple of weeks ago a "gaffe" saw the following photo appear in Rail issue 599.

In the latest issue editor Nigel Harris has the good grace to acknowledge that this might have been unwise, as it could possibly undermine Rail's splendid campaign against photo-shoots featuring models in the four foot.
So far so good and full marks to Nigel and Rail for taking reader criticism on the chin.
But what's this?
The editor's apology makes clear that he was on holiday when the picture was selected for publication and that on his return he "had a bit of a chat, here in the office."
Oh dear - it looks like some poor junior minion has received a bollocking and a very public one at that.
Hopefully he at least received 'Higher Grade Duty' payments whilst covering for his buck passing editor?