Monday, 2 February 2009

DB go slow

So much for the German commitment to running a right time railway.

This from the Times...

Keith Heller, the chief executive of EWS (DB Shenker), Britain’s biggest rail freight company, said that the Department for Transport’s punctuality target for passenger trains was too ambitious and was delaying his freight trains.

As DB also runs Chiltern Trains, Wrexham & Shropshire and is a partner in LooRoll, can it be long before Berlin gives Heller 'das boot' for this off-message nonsense?

UPDATE: This from
Das Internationaler Korrespondent...

Liebe Herr Tatsache Kompilier

Why would Keith want a submarine from his masters in the Deutsche Haupstadt?

Heil Burkhardt! Heil Bahn!