NR has launched a £2.4m advertising campaign called the ‘New West Coast main line’.
The six-week campaign consists of television and cinema advertisements along with outdoor poster and regional media advertising.
A quick look at the video may explain Virgin's recent difficulties.

UPDATE: Captain Deltic muses.
I assumed that shot was meant to show the WCML before the great men of old-BR electrified the route in 1966 and 1974.
But blowing up the image the train looks like a Voyager and I don't think they were running before electrification.
UPDATE: This just in from a chap called Pendolino Warrior...
That's a Pendo' surely. So is it dragged wrongline or photopic'd.
The clue is by the bridge, obviously NR's ad agency couldn't be bothered to air-brush out all of the catenary and stanchions...