Essex train operator c2c has not only just become the best ever performing franchised train operator in Great Britain, but has also equalled the punctuality record set by the Swiss Federal Railways.
Good news indeed!
And to mark the occasion C2C helpfully provided this picture of Heidi and Helga draped with a Swiss flag (with a bowler tip to the IRJ).
When Swiss punctuality reaches C2C levels can we expect SBB staff to dress-down as Essex girls?
UPDATE: This just in from The International Rantiquarian...
Well Done to the Essex Girls of c2c for equalling the punctuality record of Swiss Railways.
That should put paid to the cuckoo clock smugness of my chums in the Cantons.
After all, c2c has to manage all the complications of a virtually self contained railway with just three physical connections to anywhere else on the network, no through trains beyond their boundaries, and a vanishingly small volume of freight traffic.
Meanwhile the Swiss enjoy the simplicity of international borders with Italy, Germany, Austria, and France, and have to coax their trains across and sometimes over the Alps.
Well done, Essex. Rule Britannia!