Good to see RSSB making good use of its £15 million Research Budget and finding topics British Rail Research overlooked.
• T703 Facilitating shared expectations between passengers and front-line staff
That's got to be first for the chop in DafT's value for money review.
UPDATE: This, surprisingly, from the late Enid Blyton...
I was disappointed to to see that RSSB ignored my my extensive oeuvre in this latest research project.
I would have thought that naughty goblins not being able to read the safety notices and thus coming to a sticky end would have been a point worth making in these days of falling child literacy.
UPDATE: This just in from Herr Ernst Mach...
Liebe Fact Compiler just to show that we Austrians have a sense of humour can I say that I was blown over by this latest report from RSSB.
Guidance on protecting people from the aerodynamic effects of passing trains
Very funny, ja?
UPDATE: This from our International Correspondent...
I fear Herr Mach has not entirely understood the issues about aerodynamics of passing trains. Austria does not yet sport a station sign quite as promising as this one at Penrith.

In Britain the passenger comes first!