Despite harbouring republican sympathies Lord B had secured the services of Her Majesty's very own Scots Guards to lead revellers in a medley of Carols at yesterday's Rail Freight Group Christmas Lunch.

The canny political operator had also invited shadow Rail Minister Stephen Hammond MP to address members before luncheon.
There was a collective choking on bread rolls when Lord B confidently predicted that Hammond "would make a very good Secretary of State"!
Of course the wily old fox was clever enough to add... "or opposition spokesman".
UPDATE: This from Steve Strong...
Hammond may not have endeared himself to any railway hacks present.
He told a joke about five surgeons discussing who in the industry was easiest under the knife.
The punch line had the last saw-bones saying he preferred operating on railway hacks; as they had neither heart nor backbone and their lips and ar$eholes were interchangeable...
UPDATE: This from the Lobby Correspondent...
Could this be the same Stephen Hammond who was observed entertaining one Roger Ford in the the cafe area of Portcullis House earlier this year, in what was clearly an unsuccessful attempt by the good Captain to explain the break down of the 1300 (sic) vehicles in the HLOS?
I think we should be told!
UPDATE: This from NR's Internet Rapid Rebuttal Unit...
'Bigs up'?
Tfc will be 'repping his endz', next.
UPDATE: This from 5741 Duck...
You say that Lord Berkeley is a "cany political operator".
Is that because they frown on whips in the House of Lords?
Thank you 5741. Noted and corrected!