Evidently the town's 1980s built railway station just isn't smart enough for the new home of Network Rail and a much grander edifice is set to replace it.
Or so it would seem judging by this page on ATOC's website (with a bowler tip to A Frog):

What with their depressing habit of defenestating anyone with even a scintilla of railway knowledge...
UPDATE: This from swlines via Twitter...
Moved further north than that actually... it's moved all the way up the Far North to delightful Wick!
UPDATE: This from cbuchanancubed via Twitter...
Every station on the network is Waterloo on this website - station investment fund is making good progress!
UPDATE: This from Driver Potter...
See as the third rail advances into the howling wastes of the North.
Spread the Holy Word to The Heathens, My Son.