Below Agincourt International last night - displaced aviation passengers queuing for unavailable Eurostar tickets.

Update: This from the Major...
Awfully nice of the CAA (prop Andrew Haines) to give his former rail industry colleagues such a lovely financial boost.
Update: This from Jumbo...
Let's hope that our politicians were too distracted by last nights beauty parade of their leaders to notice that a high-speed rail network is unnecessary to reduce the number of passengers making domestic flights in the UK.
An Icelandic volcano appears to be far more effective.
UPDATE: Network Rail speaks...
Network Rail's director of operations and customer services, Robin Gisby, said: "Network Rail is doing everything it can to help passengers whose journeys have been disrupted by the volcanic ash cloud.
"We have reviewed all engineering work we have planned for the next few days and where it will allow train operators to run existing or extra services, this work has been cancelled.
"This mainly applies to long-distance operators on the east and west coast mainlines and on routes to the Channel ports.
"I would like to take this opportunity to assure the public that the volcanic ash cloud is having no material impact on the safe and punctual running of passenger and freight trains.
UPDATE: Eurostar speaks...
This from the BBC News website:
Eurostar said its train services between London and Paris and Brussels were sold out on Friday, and urged people not to come to St Pancras station in London to look for tickets.
BBC Radio News at 13.00 reported "Eurostar's ticket office at St Pancras is closed".
But according to a Eurostar tweet at 15:07: We're adding additional #Eurostar trains over the weekend. Please see for availability & booking.
Anyone have a clue what's going on?