Yesterday saw the Secretary of State appear on BBC Radio 4's The World this Weekend, where he explained how he intended to pork-barrel Tory constituencies in the Northern home counties unhappy with the alignment of HS2.
The programme was also graced by Britain's leading transport commentator!
Wolmar, for it was he, tweeted before the show:

Only last month the timerous Secretary of State blew a raspberry at the Great Man and declined to be guest of honour at one of Wolmar's exclusive Transport Lunches!
Mind you, perhaps just as well.
Previous guests, including the late Sir Alastair Morton and Gwyneth Dunwoody, appear not to have prospered from Wolmar's hospitality...
UPDATE: This from the Great Man himself!
How dare Eye suggest I kill my guests.
All the other 28 have survived.
M'learned friends will be in touch...