Whilst David Quarmby pores over South Eastern's non-performance in the ice and snow......perhaps the RAC Chairman should also examine 'passenger communications best practice' elsewhere on the network.
These both from A Frog...Behold
And rejoice in
Of course London and the South Eastern is the very engine of our economy.Happily, with a very generous NR Schedule 8 donation, SouthEastern should soon be able to offer real time passenger information; direct to blackberrys, iphones, ipads, your fingernail, etc...And perhaps also an Operations Director, after a year of waiting?
UPDATE: This from Guzzibasher...
Erm, ref "Whilst David Quarmby pours over South Eastern's non-performance in the ice and snow".
Methinks that should be "pores", unless he's got a large jug of anti-freeze!
Corrected. Thank you.
This from BA...One for Eye's 'Pointless Signs, missing the point' collection?Here at the St Pancras East Midlands ticket barrier, the middle machine's credit card reader doesn't work.You wouldn't be able to tell by looking at it, however!
Although staff were aware of this problem on Saturday they had not put a notice on the machine because, "we're not allowed to".Why not?"Because that way, anyone could come along and put a sign on the machine."Far better to allow person after person to waste their time on a doomed cause?
This with a bowler tip to Dan in India.
From the Times of India (Calcutta edition)...
What a splendid challenge!
Eye hopes that the mother country of the railways can do better?