This from the Route Performance Manager:
To improve communication and awareness of our performance, we are launching The Sussex Hare.
This is a performance challenge, designed to communicate how we are doing against challenging, but realistic, daily performance goals.
Every day, you will receive an e-mail outlining how the previous day's performance went, highlighting our achievements and areas for improvement.
Every week and every 4 week period, the message will be longer and will summarise how we have done in the previous week or period.
Our mission is simple: to catch as many Sussex Hares as possible. There are clear measures of success, outlined and defined below.

The missive continues...
Why a Sussex hare?
Two reasons: firstly, you may remember we once had a Golden Rabbit performance competition. This is the closest thing to that!
Secondly, the hare is an animal well-known across the Sussex Downs, north and south. So a nice local trophy!
No doubt the Sussex Hare will also help sign off the somewhat delayed JPIP for the route?
UPDATE: This from Bugs Bunny...
Sadly a Horsham driver managed to run over the Sussex Hare this morning, at the third attempt!