Whilst almost universally loathed by the operating railway there are those who continue to wave the flag for the Incredibly Expensive Procurement (an extra-big hand please for Stu & Norm Bonkers).
Such is the enthusiasm of Marsham Street's very own Chuckle Brothers for the madcap scheme they appear to have prevailed upon the Treasury to procure the blessed things in tranches, judging by this from the DfT:
The Department hopes to reach financial close for the Great Western phase of the deal in spring 2012. Financial close for the East Coast phase of the IEP is scheduled for 2013.
Happily of course there is no hint that financial close will take place before bidders sign up for the new GW & EC franchises, as that would drive a coach and horses through Government undertakings that rolling stock decisions should be left to Train Operators rather than Whitehall.
No matter.
In happier news, a reader has sent in the following picture, which allegedly fell from between the pages of an old rail atlas.
Asking to remain anonymous she asks "Is this what I'm buying?"

Sort of Justine, sort of. Although what it ends up costing tax and fare payers is what you really ought to worry about...
UPDATE: This from a snarling Captain Deltic...
What do you mean 'almost'?