As the newest vehicle on the railway network The Fact Compiler thought it might be instructive to compare the 60 year old A1 Peppercorns with the the brand new IEPs.
Readers are therefore invited to guess which of the following statements apply to Tornado and which to the Frankenstein train
1. The vehicle's design assumed that carbon based fuel was cheap and plentiful.
2. It avoids the need for further electrification
3. These vehicles were originally to have a 30 year life. This soon became only 20 years.
4. Not many suppliers were willing to work on this design - which added dramatically to cost
5. Just one vehicle of this type will set you back £3m
6. It's jolly slow compared to its European equivalents
Tie breaker
I believe the Department for Transport is qualified to specify a new InterCity train for Britain because
A. I am Ruth Kelly
B. I am Mark Lambirth
C. I am bonkers
The winner of this competition will receive two first class tickets on the first revenue earning service of the IEP (as currently specified) or a guided tour round the Strategic Reserve as a guest of Sir Ernest Marples.