Occasional users of the railway are confused by the superabundance of TLAs (three letter acronyms).
It is heartening, therefore, to see that much maligned First Great Western is doing its level best to communicate with passengers in a language they understand.
Pictured below is a note seen taped to the nappy changing facilities on FGW unit 158955 last weekend.
Clearly attempting to avoid the use of OOU an unknown FGW wag has helpfully clarified the problem by hand.
Nice to see the use of the bracketed expression, which not only explains the precise condition of the nappy changing facility but also of the mother who wished to use it.
Campaign for Plain English 'Crystal Marks' all round!
Friday, 4 July 2008
Martin Sixsmith?
Airway Mag
The nation's oldest and biggest circulation specialist rail title, The Railway Magazine, looks to be planning a radical change to its editorial coverage, judging from a letter sent to those on their controlled circulation list.
Members of the list have been asked to make a choice between the following two options.What does one do if you have an interest in railways AND the areas covered in the magazine?
Has The Railway Magazine taken the DafT shilling and gone "modally agnostic"?
Jaw dropping
Is there no limit to the talents of polymath Christian Wolmar?
Cyclists' champion, cricketing legend, journalist, commentator, author and bete noir of Network Rail - the man's skills know no bounds.
In his most recent incarnation, this morning, he was seen under the drill whilst being serenaded by North London's only singing dentist (we may thank God for small mercies).
View the BBC clip here
For those of tender sensibilities best to forward to about 1min 15secs through the clip.
Wolmar is seen on screen for the merest of seconds. The Fact Compiler understands that this was unconnected with the surprise appearence in the consultation room of an NR bance team, instructed to assist with any fillings that Wolmar required.