Friday, 9 November 2012

Changes to NR Route reporting lines

Network Rail has made some changes to Route reporting lines.

  • The East Midlands Route will come under LNE with Martin Frobisher reporting direct to Phil Verster.
  • Sussex, Kent and Anglia Routes will come together under a new South East Route led by Dave Ward. Fiona Taylor and Mark Ruddy (and a soon to be recruited RMD for Anglia) will now report to the RMD SE.

With all this consolidation going on Eye wonders what it means for Deep Alliances?

Perhaps Stagecoach can stay ahead of the game by winning the ICGW franchise... once the competition is restarted of course!

Metal Theft bill makes it through to Lords!

Some genuine good news for once!

This from the NR, ATOC and RfG...

Rail industry welcomes MP support for vital Scrap Metal Dealers Bill

Network Rail, ATOC and the Rail Freight group are among a group of companies and industries delighted by the successful third reading of MP Richard Ottaway’s Private Members Bill.

The new Scrap Metal Dealers Bill will now go to the House of Lords to help eradicate the effects of metal theft crimes on Britain’s railways.

The theft of metal is a growing problem in the UK affecting many industry sectors, not just the railway. The current cost to the UK economy is estimated at hundreds of millions of pounds a year and the crime is directly fuelled by the increase in the price of metals, particularly copper and lead.

MPs with concerns on the bill reached a compromise with its supporters to review the bill in three years time, with a sunset clause for five years. This gives time to evaluate the bill in action and revise it if necessary. 

Neil Henry, head of operations and performance at Network Rail, said: “These crimes continue to cause significant disruption and cost to rail passengers and essential freight services. Today is a significant and important step towards removing the distress and inconvenience caused to millions of people by metal thieves."

“We are delighted that the bill has passed its third reading and would like to thank Richard Ottaway MP and all the supporters of the bill. We would also like to acknowledge and welcome the compromise reached with Philip Davies MP over his concerns. We believe we can demonstrate that the bill works in the coming years. Meanwhile, we will continue to work with British Transport Police and invest in methods to better protect the rail network."

Maggie Simpson, executive director at the Rail Freight Group, added: “Metal theft continues to be a problem for rail freight customers, and we are very pleased that these new powers will enable more to be done to reduce the disruption and cost to business from this crime.”

Eye applauds all those who helped to move the bill to the next stage and thanks Philip Davies MP for his pragmatic approach to this proposed legislation.

Philip Davies MP speaks on Metal Theft

Further to yesterday's post about  the risk to Richard Ottoway's Metal Theft bill... 

A number of Eye readers have been in contact with Philip Davies MP to request his support for today's Third Reading.

Here is the MP's apparently standard reply on the subject:

Thank you for your email.

This Bill is badly worded, vague and not fit for purpose and it does the House of Commons no credit simply to pass bad legislation on the nod with no scrutiny.

I have tabled an amendment which would allow the Bill to progress tomorrow and it would expire in a year to give the Government time to bring forward a more considered Bill with proper scrutiny.  If the Bill does not progress tomorrow it will be due to Government intransigence and nothing to do with me.

Best wishes
Philip Davies MP

Oh dear.

Of course if the railway were a real commercial enterprise we could decline to serve Mr Davies for being quite so unhelpful.

Just for a year you understand, to allow him to bring forward a more considered response...