This from The Times...
"The 'ghost bus' runs simply to allow the Government to escape the embarrassment of admitting that it has closed several sections of railway in West London to passenger trains."
Network Rail did a splendid job yesterday of closing the rest...
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Ghost bus
Ozymandi'm back again
Thought for the day
As a 110 mile/h TSR is imposed on the WCML fast lines between Euston and Rugby, Iain (WCML Job Done) Coucher might recall these lines of Kipling:
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday
Is one with Nineveh and Tyre.
Mystic Wright
This in today's FT...
Virgin demands rail reliability
A spot of prescient reporting by Mr Wright.
The 25kv Group
Telegrammed by 222 Marylebone Road
The current daily, or even twice daily, major failures of the overhead line electrification on the WCML are statistically so improbable that they cannot be attributed to normal maintenance errors.
Interestingly they are clustered at the southern end of the route.
Conspiracy theorists suggest that the cause may be sabotage!
Perhaps by a renegade group of DafT civil servants with the dual aim of discrediting electrification and justifying investment in the ludicrous dual powered IEP?
UPDATE: Tom from Blairwatch writes...
It's Boris Johnson and his transport team campaigning to discredit those nasty bendy foreign trains preparatory to holding a competition to design a 21st century Britannia Pacific.
Perhaps the Tornado team need to clear their diaries...
An end to electrification woes
Telegrammed by Barry Spotter
Worried about pulling down the wires?
Concerned that you might have to rebuild dozens of bridges and lower the floors of tunnels?
Well worry no more, for the Southern has the answer!
It's the all-old, all-tried, tested and almost-nearly-sometimes completely reliable in snow and ice Juice Rail!
Why spend silly money on dangling bits of 25Kv-fed wire across the scenery when you can keep drivers and track-workers nervous for longer with 750dc on the floor?
Contact the Southern Region General Offices, Waterloo Station, for further details.
Remember - it's sunnier down South!