Deep breath.
It would appear that private sector Train Operating Companies want to reopen lots of stations!
This from the Sunday Telegraph...
The Association of Train Operating Companies is due to give unprecedented backing to the restoration of disused track and the reintroduction of passenger services on other routes which currently only carry freight.
Excitingly ATOC members propose using taxpayers money to do this rather than their own.
No matter.
The list of lines is strangely familiar...
Lines... include the Uckfield to Lewes line in East Sussex, the Bristol to Portishead line and Yorkshire's Harrogate-Ripon-Northallerton route... the restoration of the Manton Curve in Rutland... while reopening the Woodhead line from Manchester to Sheffield...
Can it be?
This is surely an echo of Railtrack's 2000 Network Management Statement?
Is Michael taking up Gerald's mantle?
Careful, there is no Woolworths left to move to.
UPDATE: This just in from Leo Pink...
Gerald Corbet is now at LRC, where they specialise in ensuring that F***-ups don't have embarrassing results.
How come he was overlooked to be NR's new Chairman?
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