Telegrammed by Claws Four
This just issued by the RMT...
“The commitment to hold London and Continental Railways, which runs the Eurostar, in public ownership is a welcome move which RMT has campaigned strongly for.
“There is now no reason why other sections of the rail network, starting with the troubled National Express franchise on the East Coast route, can’t be returned to public ownership as part of a genuine People’s Railway,” Bob Crow said.
Bob is pushing at an open door.
With the government having received a right royal thrashing from the electorate look for some serious pandering to Labour's core constituency.
It won't be called renationalisation but there is little doubt that the East Coast Franchise will be back under state control within weeks.
UPDATE: Captain Deltic snarls:
What do you mean NXEC 'back under state control'?
DafT's micro-management of TOCs is so fierce that franchisees are paying premia for the right to do what they are told by the man in Whitehall who always knows best what passengers want.
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