Telegrammed by the Archer
Sad news from the Derby Railway Engineering Society.
A planned lecture on how to order new trains was threatened with cancellation when the booked DfT speaker unexpectedly withdrew.
Eye cannot imagine why.
However, good news.
Apparently some chap called Wormsley (subs - please chk spelling) from an outfit called Portaloo (ditto) has manfully stepped into the breach.
What a shame that DRES members will now have to listen to someone from an organisation with no experience of succesfully introducing new trains (shurley shome mishtake. Ed)
UPDATE: This from our man at 222 Marylebone Road...
I understand that this chap Malmsey works for a ROSCO, so he must be well placed to lecture on DfT Rail's procedures for not ordering trains while spending massive sums of money on consultants.
No doubt balance will be maintained by your friendly local rolling stock consultancy, which is receiving squillions for helping with the late running Thameslink trains procurement and will no doubt be there in force to defend its client?
UPDATE: This from a Mr Walmsley...
I think you maybe referring to a talk on DfT procurement that was due to take place in Derby tomorrow.
Unfortunately the advertised speaker has been called away on family business (so no jokes there).
The funny bit is who is standing in – me!
I will be talking about new DMUs but I can’t really imagine not referring to the previous subject just a tiny little bit...
Ian's talk on 'New DMUs – Class 172 Turbostars & Parry People Movers' will take place at 19:00 tomorrow (8th December) at the Derby Conference Centre, London Road, Derby.
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3 weeks ago