Oh dear.
It looks like the PM is off message.
This from the Number 10 website:
Gordon Brown called the Javelin train’s first weekday journey, “a momentous day in the long and glorious history of British railways” during the official launch of the UK’s first domestic high-speed rail service at St Pancras International station this morning.
Putting aside the interesting quote about the 'glorious history of British railways' hasn't the dear leader committed a faux pas by referring to South Eastern's high speed train as a 'Javelin'?
This name, we are constantly reminded, cannot be used before the London 2012 Olympics (copyright ODA).
Can it be long before threatening letters are sent to Downing Street?
UPDATE: This from Lobby Fodder...
I'm amazed at Brown's bare faced cheek!
Take this quote from the same release:
“I know some people who think this is not the time to be investing in infrastructure but I believe it is essential to do so and we will be investing £20 billion in our rail infrastructure in the next few years.”
Talk about making spending commitments with someone else's budget.
I suspect the "we" he is referring to will be in opposition within six months and therefore not in a position to invest in anything.
Apart from cleaners and painting summer houses obviously...
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