This from bitterwallet with a bowler tip to Is 1A03 out of Chester yet, Bert
The platform announcer at Farringdon refused to stop talking for nearly half an hour, giving a blow-by-blow account of what was occurring.
Follow the link to hear it in all its glory.
The guy's a natural - who needs The X Factor?
UPDATE: This from A Despairing Member of Staff...
I note your post on the quality of LUL Passenger annoucements; is there any chance of SWT using this gentlemen on their services in the future because I for one have had enough of Digital Doris telling me to "please take my personal belongings with me when I leave the train."
What other belongings would she like me to remove? Public belongings, perhaps? Does she honestly believe that I boarded the train carrying a bench I stole from the park? Or perhaps she means that I may leave the train with belongings which in actual fact belong to persons other than myself?
Please could someone have a word with Lord Carrier-bag of Double-Decker; call it a Christmas request from his chums at the sharp end.
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago