It's obviously getting tough out there for those selling ad space in the railway press.
This from the new ad sales team at Rail Amateur...
Our proposition to potential advertisers is a simple one; Rail Professional is the magazine read by the people with budgets, and who make the purchasing decisions in the rail industry. It is delivered to individuals, not dumped in bulk at messhalls. It is not a magazine for gricers, or for those engrossed by technical detail; it is a business magazine about the very serious business of running the railways professionally, and about the people who do just that - the rail professionals.
"Dumped in bulk at messhalls" (shurely 'messrooms'. Ed)
"Magazine for Gricers"
"Engrossed by technical detail"
Who can they mean?
UPDATE: This from Leo Pink...
Strange that they missed 'Written by BBC Transport correspondents in their spare time' from the list of plus points.
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago