Telegrammed by our man at 222 Marylebone Road
Finger out Adonis!
Only 19 days in which to place orders for the outstanding 757 additional vehicles in the High Level Output Specification.
Your elected colleagues with constituencies in and around Derby expect you to hand a cheque over to Colin Walton soonest.
UPDATE: This from Leo Pink...
And since the delay to the Thameslink new trains order has deferred 200 of the vehicles in the HLOS 1300 to Control Period 5, why not ask Uncle Colin to make up the number with some Turbostars and revive the Diesel Multiple Unit Project.
No doubt Porterbrook would like to further boost their local MP's chances by providing the funding for these DMUs.
Such gratitude would be in order since we all remember how the Derby MPs stood up for brave little Porterbrook as it defied the jack-booted hordes of DfT Rail. (Errr... is this right? Ed.)
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago