Telegrammed by our International Correspondent
Much excitement in yesterday's Mail on Sunday that the man overseeing MP's expenses is to leave the role early.
A shattered Mr Gooding told The Mail on Sunday yesterday: ‘I have left the job for the sake of my health and sanity.’
Of course Nigel Gooding may be better known to Eye readers as the former Station Manager at Brighton, and the man who in the very early privatisation efforts blew his referees whistle at the then LTS management buy-out team for a very liberal interpretation of trading rules regarding season tickets and settlement for the Underground portion.
OPRAF (remember them?) said it was a serious breach whilst In the Commons Clare Short MP suggested that it was a deliberately organised fraud.
Not of course an accusation that could be levelled at Ms Short who the Telegraph revealed had "claimed the full cost of her mortgage for two and a half years, despite being entitled to charge only for the interest element."
Happily Clare has left the Mother of Parliaments.
Monday, 14 June 2010
Blowing the whistle again...
Greedy hoons,
International Correspondent