Monday, 23 April 2012

TfL unveils congestion and chaos map


TfL have produced a website showing likely congestion hotspots during the Olympics.

Meanwhile a Mr Ouch writes...

These posters have appeared near my home in Bolton – 200 miles from London!

It looks like Londoners and visitors alike will need a healthy dose of the Blitz spirit during the days of chaos to come.

Perhaps better to ask: "Is your journey really necessary?".

UPDATE: Oh great joy!

There is a Get Ahead of the Games Twitter account: @GAOTG

Today it tweeted out these asinine missives:

"Brand new update: Our impact line tool shows impact on each tube line (busiest section, most affected, busiest dates)"

Impact line tool? WTF!

And this...

"New Feature: We now have a National Rail visualiser that shows you predicted busy periods during the Games"

National Rail visualiser? FFS!

Chaps, stop making up smartarse marketing terms for perfectly serviceable and well understood English words like 'congestion', 'delay' and 'map'.

That, or get a real job!