So Sir David "Biggles" Rowland has been waving the flag for HS2.
Alas, in The Times today he promises oodles of jam, all of it delivered tomorrow.
No matter.
The article does reveal the proposed location of the High Speed Two London terminus:
The Times records:
Passengers may, however, have to travel to the suburbs of London to catch the trains because the terminus could be built up to five miles from the centre to reduce the cost of the line.
A site near Wormwood Scrubs in West London is being considered as a giant rail hub where passengers would switch from the high-speed line to Crossrail, the mainline railway being built under Central London to link tracks to the East and West.
It could have been worse.
Apparently Sir 'Biggles' initially suggested that the London terminus should be built in Manchester and served by air.
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