Monday 13 May 2013

Pointless signs - Tile Hill

This from the Vice Marshall...

Not sure that this sign at Tile Hill station can be described as 'pointless' since it points to Trains to Coventry.  It has recently become visible again as a result of the shrub against the fence being cut down.

Problem is that to follow that arrow one would have to climb over a 6ft security fence, cross two 100mph running lines and another 6ft security fence to reach the platform for Coventry.

Sadly the sign has not been amended by London Midland since the level crossing at Tile Hill was replaced by a £3m new road bridge some six years ago.

This was built as part of the original PUG2 plan for Virgin Pendolini running at 140mph - but, of course, that never happened, either!

Hadfield does Bowie

Wildly off topic but absolutely brilliant! 

Commander Hadfield offers his variant on 'Space Oddity' before departing the Space Station to return to Earth.

On a scale of 1 to 10 just how cool is this?

Pure 11 !