A new Network Rail "Route" will grace the railway map on the 25th May.
To the delight of all Old Farts (O.F.) the new route is to be called "Midland and Continental" and subsumes both the Midland Mainline and CTRL (or High Speed 1 for the optimists amongst you).
Better still is the news that Network Rail has appointed the splendid Dyan Crowther (of ATN & LNE Route fame) to be its new Route's Director.
Railway Eye understands that the rump of the London North Eastern route, bereft of the Midland, is now being led by General Manager Neil Henry as acting Director.
The changes signal victory for the powerful London Midland O.F.s who were much appalled that Gresley's York held sway deep in the heart of Stanier territory.
Meanwhile rumours continue of further changes at the top of the Black Tower.
Railway Eye understands that Robin Gisby is to be reinvented as Chief Operating Officer - if, of course, Coucher-Tiger-Hidden-Dragon can be prevailed upon to let loose the reins of power...
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