More mutterings following the late publication yesterday of the National Passenger Survey.
InterCity operator National Express East Coast is absolutely furious with watchdog PassengerFocus .
When the survey was published the PassengerFocus press office went into overdrive, screaming that the survey was a "red alert" to a number of long distance operators where overall passenger satisfaction "had plummeted 4% points."
But what's this?
Amongst the list of dire operators singled out for attention was NEEC - this despite the fact that their rating had actually gone up by 4%.
Meanwhile no mention was made of piss-poor operator Worst Great Western who are so loathed by passengers that they have been told more than once by Daft that they are drinking at the last chance saloon.
If the Fact Compiler didn't know better he might be tempted to think that the two month delay in publishing the figures had something to do with their being massaged. As PassengerFocus is funded by DafT one wonders who might do such a thing?
More examples of spin over substance please.
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