The Fact Compiler has received the following entry from a Mr Rayner of Ambergate.
It shows a truly venerable railway garden.
As Mr Rayner explains: "The tree is probably 15+ years old", so it has probably survived because:
Of particular interest are the two strengthening bars in the picture below. These must be a source of great comfort to users of the busy A6 which passes immediately beneath the bridge.And see here the cooling dappled shade afforded to motorist and pedestrians alike traversing the Queen's highway.
Normally the The Fact Compiler would berate NR for having let this tree do significant damage to a mainline bridge that crosses a busy major road.
But perhaps NR has secret plans to construct their first totally carbon-neutral parkway station in the mighty boughs of this arboreal behemoth?
Perhaps not.
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago