Don't you just love banks?
The Fact Compiler has received a communication from HSBC's very own Ministry of Truth.
It announces HSBC's new management team.
"Following a recent internal review, HSBC Rail is pleased to announce its new management team for the business. Mary Kenny has been appointed Chief Operating Officer, blah, blah, blah..."
But what's this?
Not a word about the HSBC Rail's former top man Peter Aldridge who was done over during the bank's very own night of the long knives.
Railway Eye has a longer memory.
Therefore as a service to the industry and to help the alzheimer suffering bankers of Hong Kong and Shanghai here is a picture of their former guv'nor.
HSBC may be the "World's local bank" but it's evidently still run by a bunch of wankers bankers.
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago