The Fact Compiler has been asked to help with a survey on ticket machine use.
Normally this sort of request would be placed in the circular filing cabinet, under recycle.
However, just as the delete button was about to be fingered, a press release from Passenger Focus thudded into the inbox:
"South West Trains and Passenger Focus have today released research showing passengers are still queuing at ticket offices despite knowing that ticket machines are available.
Although 78% of people questioned in the survey said they had used ticket vending machines, a variety of reasons were highlighted for those who had not tried them including wanting a more personal service, being unable to get the ticket they required and not being sure how to use the machine."
Sounds like the wrong question was asked.
Therefore, Railway Eye readers may like to answer the right question which can be found at the I work for First Great Western website.
That should save FGW a couple of bob on research - which The Fact Compiler hopes they will put in the new train kitty.
We Buy Any Bus Dot Com
3 weeks ago